Toh dil ka kia hua is a Pakistani drama aired on 2nd July 2017 on Hum Tv starring Ayeza khan, Sami khan, Zahid Ahmed Zahid Ahmed is an Urdu theatre, film, and televisi >> Read More... , Imran Ashraf Imran Ashraf is a writer and actor in the Pakistan >> Read More... , Mansha Pasha Mansha Pasha is a well-known actress and televisio >> Read More... and others. Written by Khalil-ur-Rehman , directed by Shahid Shafat. Sanuaber and is having an affair with Ateeqa. Sarwat Chawala is married to Sanuaber. He left Ateeqa when he discovers that she is pregnant. After Sanauber's death, Sarwat is extremely upset and commits suicide, but before dying, he asks his brother Siraj to take care of his one-year-old son Faris (Sanauber's son) as well as Ateeqa's child who was not born yet. He asks Siraj to marry her. Ateeqa dosent want to raise sanuber’s son and Siraj does not leave him. So she moves to south Africa and meets someone and starts affair.
Later on she gives to birth to a son named saif. Ateeqa gets divorced from Siraj and marries an Indian man and settles in South Africa. Saif believes he is Siraj’s son and his father left him and he comes back to take revenge so he comes to Pakistan and starts to spoil Faris' marriage by starting an affair with Faris’ wife Maya Saif knows that Siraj loves Faris a lot so he wants to hurt Faris in order to hurt Siraj. Saif does not actually love Maya. He is in love with Lubna. When Maya discovers this, she is shattered and she once again falls in love with Faris and wants to get him back at any cost. But Faris has gotten over with her and is falling in love with Maya's younger sister Zoya.