Mehram is a Pakistani serial that premiered on 29th November 2014 on Hum TV. The serial focuses on Hamza, a young man living with Iqra, his brother's dowager. Although Hamza respects Iqra, society constantly defames them for living together. Thus, Hamza decides to marry Iqra on paper to silent society's mockery. Later, Iqra realizes that Hamza needs someone to give him love and admiration. Thus, she insists he marry Maya (Hamza's love interest). However, when Maya learns about Hamza and Iqra's marriage on paper, she asks Hamza to choose her or Iqra. Taking the blame on herself, Iqra left the house and later Maya left too. Hamza couldn't handle the situation and shot himself with a gun. What happened next? Watch the serial to find out. Mehram is an Urdu Language drama serial. It was written by Zafar Mairaj, and directed by Siraj ul Haq. The lead cast of the serial includes Ayesha Khan as Iqra and Zahid Ahmed as Hamza. Watch Mehram on Dailymotion's website.