Mehndi is a 2003 Pakistani television series that focuses on the life of four young women, each with her marital problems. The Serial was aired on PTV in June 2003. The series is all about a mother and father, Jahanara Hai Jahanara Hai is a Pakistani actress who has worked >> Read More... and Abid Ali Abid Ali is a well-known Pakistani personality fam >> Read More... , who have four young daughters: Malaika, played by Amna Hussain; Sajjal, played by Ayesha Khan Ayesha Khan was born in a Pakistani family on the >> Read More... ; Alishba, played by Aamina Haq and Laiba, played by Fiza Ali Fiza Ali is one of the shining stars of Pakistani >> Read More... . The drama starts with a marriage scene of all four marrying their respective husbands on the same day. The rest of the series focuses on their married lives, the problems they come across, and the difficulties they go through. Will all four of them be able to survive through their marital life? Let’s see. This serial is written by Seema Ghazal Seema Ghazal was born in Pakistan. She is a writer >> Read More... and is directed by Muhammed Javed Fazil. JerjeesÂ