Ki Jaana Main Kaun is a popular Urdu-language serial that premiered on 27th June 2018 on Hum TV. The story is centered around a girl named Meher and the various circumstances she faces after she learns she's the adopted daughter of her parents, Shafiq Ansari Shafiq Ansari is a film writer in Bollywood. He ha >> Read More... and Rabya Ansari. The truth emerged when Meher agreed to marry her uncle's son Taimoor Ansari. Meher loved Taimoor; however, Taimoor was only interested in Meher's property. On the wedding day, Taimoor calls off the wedding after learning that Meher is the adopted daughter and married Anaya. Faris, Meher's relative and best friend, took her to Hyderabad to find her biological parents.
Later, Shafiq Ansari, Meher's adoptive father gave a 30% share of the company to Meher, and she was included in the board of directors committee. Soon, under unexpected circumstances, Meher was reunited with her wealthy biological father, and seeing Meher's high financial stature, Taimoor comes around. Ki Jaana Main Kaun was a drama serial that is a family entertainer. It is written by Uzma Iftikhar and Furqanullah Sahir, while Mohsin Talat Mohsin Talat is a Pakistani director and producer >> Read More... directed the serial. The lead cast includes Minal Khan Minal Khan is a Pakistani actress born on 20 Novem >> Read More... as Meher Ansari, Saad Qureshi Saad Qureshi is a well-known Pakistani television >> Read More... as Taimoor Ansari, Khalid Anam as Shafiq Ansari, and Faizan Khawaja Faizan Khawaja is a Pakistan television actor. He >> Read More... as Faris Sheraz. Watch the serial on Hum TV's official Youtube Channel.