Main Haar Nahi Manoun Gi is a popular Pakistani serial in the Urdu language that premiered on 19th June 2018 on Hum TV. The serial is centered around the theme of women's empowerment. The serial shows the journey of a woman named Nimra, who is also the lead protagonist in the serial. Nimra, a woman with ambitions and aspirations, emerges from the dust and becomes an inspiration for many. The serial showcases woman empowerment and feminist ideologies while providing entertainment through various characters and twists in the story.
The serial presents the viewers with the motivation to never give up on one's dreams and ambitions just because their community is considered weaker. Main Haar Nahi Manoun Gi is written by Sara Majeed and directed by Atif Iqbal. The lead cast consists of Anzela Abbasi Anzela Abbasi is a Pakistani model, actress, and s >> Read More... as Nimra, Ali Josh Ali is an actor in the entertainment industry. He >> Read More... as Haroon, Arslan Asad Butt Arslan Asad Butt is an actor and model in the Paki >> Read More... as Adil Hamdani, Saniya Shamshad as Arooba, and Noaman Sami Noaman Sami is a Pakistani actor and television pe >> Read More... as Rohan. Watch the serial on Dailymotion's website.