Ishq Murshid is an upcoming romantic TV drama that will air on HUM TV. It has a talented cast including Bilal Abbas Khan Bilal Abbas Khan was born on June 4, 1993, into a >> Read More... , Omair Rana Omair Rana is a Pakistani actor and director, born >> Read More... , and Dur e Fishan Saleem. Bilal Abbas Khan plays two characters named Shahmeer Sikandar and Fazal Bakhsh. Dur e Fishan Saleem plays the character Shibra. The teasers promise a lot of love and romance so it is an anticipated show. Some information about Ishq Murshid. The cast is Bilal Abbas Khan as Shahmeer Sikandar and Fazal Bakhsh,  Dur e Fishan Saleem as Shibra and Omair Rana The writer is Abdul Khaliq Khan, known for impactful dramas like Daadam and Mohabbatean Thaje ul Wadaa.
Director Farooq Rind Farooq Rind is a Pakistani television director bes >> Read More... is helming this romantic drama. Momina Duraid  A phenomenal producer and a brilliant director, >> Read More... is the producer. It is produced by A Moomal Entertainment and MD Productions. The release date is expected to be late August 2023. Ishq Murshid is a 2023 Pakistani drama by Moomal Entertainment. Omair Rana also has a major role. The director is Farooq Rind of Moomal Productions. The first episode airs on September 2023 at 8 p.m. on HUM TV. Genres are drama, love and romance. Estimated 35 minutes per episode. Watch it on YouTube.