Googly Mohalla is a Pakistani Comedy drama series on Pakistani Television Network or PTV Home. It Stars Jahanzeb Khan and Aiman Khan Aiman Khan is a Pakistani born actress, who has be >> Read More... as the protagonists. Hina Dilpazeer Hina Dilpazeer was born on 16th January 1966 in Ka >> Read More... was cast as a supporting actor. The show blends four genres- sports, drama, romance, and comedy. Written by Fasih Bari Khan Fasih Bari Khan, an accomplished writer from Pakis >> Read More... , the show was Directed by Mazhar Moin Mazhar Moin is an Urdu director, writer and produc >> Read More... . It was released on 15 February 2015. The show features a humorous cricket battle between two teams of the same colony. One is led by Farhat Goli, and the other is named ‘Ghosia.’
Asif isn’t serious about the game so Farhat kicks him out, only to find out that he joined the other side- Ghosia. Meanwhile, a new Pathan family moves to the respective compound. The young boy of the Pathan family, Zahid Afridi, is an all-rounder. He plays well also and takes the place of Asif. It’s pretty bizarre how the little rift between the cricketers led to such vengeance. All of this, of course, happens in a comedic way. Googly Mohalla is exceptionally entertaining and a must-watch for people who love cricket!Â