Dil e Majboor is a Pakistani drama series, which is directed and produced by Barkat Sidiki and written by Samina Nazir. It was aired on TV One in 2017. The leading role of Dil e Majboor is played by Aly Khan, Humayun Ashraf Humayun Ashraf is a very famous and extremely dash >> Read More... , and Eshal Fayyaz Eshal Fayyaz is a Pakistani actor and model. She w >> Read More... . The story of the series is that Hina and Faisal separated from the relation and Hina comes back to Pakistan with her daughter. She meets another person named Rohail there who fall in love with her, but her daughter, Seep also fallen for him.
Whereas Faisal comes to Pakistan and asks Hina to come back into his life, and the series goes on with many family elements, which are told by connecting the life of Hina and Seep. Will Hina return to Faisal, or will she try to remain with her decision of loving Rohail, which would affect the life of her daughter? Who will Rohail choose as his life partner?  Will Seep will be able to convey her love to Rohail? Let’s see further in this series. The Serial is directed by Barkat Siddiqui Barkat Siddiqui is a Pakistani Television director >> Read More... and is written by Samina Nazir.