Abhi Door Hai Kinara is an Urdu TV serial. It aired on the PTV Home channel. The show has one season with 18 episodes. Zubair Kapadia is the producer, and Haroon Rashid Haroon Rashid is a renowned Indian film director, >> Read More... is the director. Sohail Aalam Khan is the writer. The cast includes Asif Raza Mir Asif Raza Mir is a producer and actor in the Pakis >> Read More... , Rubina Ashraf Famous Pakistani Actress and Producer, Rubina Ashr >> Read More... , HuJuneun Saeed, Sadia Imam Sadia Imam, is a very skilled Pakistani TV actress >> Read More... , Mehmood Aslam Mehmood Aslam, born on 1st December 1951 in Lahore >> Read More... , and Saleem Sheikh Saleem Sheikh is a Pakistani TV/film actor and pro >> Read More... . The series starts with Farman and his family. Farman is an old businessman. He has three sons, Arsalan, Adnan, and Fiazan, and a daughter, Maham. Faham and his wife are living a wealthy and satisfied life. They have a loyal servant, Sarafat. Sharafat has been working for the family for more than two decades. Sharafat has a young daughter, Hera.
Hera is a beautiful and smart girl. Everyone in Farman’s family likes her and treats her like her own. Hera and Faizan like each other. Arsalan was forced into marrying Afiya. He was in love with Raziya, but his parents did not allow him to marry her. He spends his nights in brothels. Afiya stays irritated often as her husband doesn't love her. She lashes her anger out at Hera as she feels she acts like the owner of the house. Hera’s father discovers about her affair. He requests Hera to back off as Faizan and their status do not match. Sharafat tries talking to Farham about Hera’s marriage.
Farman chooses a colleague from his office. His colleague likes Hera. Everyone is happy except Hera and Faizan. Fazan wants to marry her but she is scared as talking about her marriage to Faizan might anger Farman. Afiya wants her sister, Uzma, to marry Faizan. She tries fixing their marriage. Meanwhile, Arsalan falls in love with a courtesan, Suraiya. A wealthy man, Raosikander approaches her. Raosikander is a competitor of Arsalan. He asks Suraiya to instigate Arsalan against his father so that Raosikander can benefit from it.