Saptaswaralu is a reality singing show in the Telugu language that airs on the channel, ETV Telugu. ETV Telugu is one of the most watched Telugu channels and is owned by the ETV Network India. The show, Saptaswaralu was first aired in the year 2008. The show had only one season which had a total of 46 episodes. Episode 46 was the grand finale of the show. Each episode had a runtime of forty-five minutes to one hour. The show was aired four days a week, from Monday to Thursday. Saptaswaralu is a singing competition in the reality show genre. The show gives a chance to various talented singers in and around the state to Andhra Pradesh to showcase their talent in front on some eminent personalities of the Telugu music industry and gain knowledge from them and popularity amongst the audience and make a place in the world of music.
The core agenda of the show is to focus solely on the singing of the participants and get the best out of them as singers. The show comes with a difference in the plot. Unlike other shows, Saptaswaralu has two hosts, popular singer Sunitha and N C Karunya. These two artists are very well known in the music industry for their melodious and playback-quality voice. They not only act as anchors on the show but are also the mentors of the contestants. A total of 48 contestants are divided into two groups, each under the guidance of one of the mentors. Each of these mentors has 24 contestants in their group. These contestants sing on the show in front of the judges in two episodes with 12 contestants each.
Each of these episodes is anchored by their respective mentors so that the mentors can also take a note of the improvement tips given to their contestants. For Sunitha’s team, the performances are judged by popular music-composer and singer, R P Patnaik and pop singer, Malgudi Shubha. Karunya’s team’s performances are judged by singer S P Shailaja and Ramana Gogula Ramana Gogula is a singer, musician, songwriter, a >> Read More... . In each of these initial episodes, four contestants are eliminated at the end, leaving each team with 16 contestants. Now, these 16 contestants perform further in the show. The show progresses through eliminations, and finally, one of the singers is crowned as the winner of the show. These contestants come from all around the state like Srikakulam,
Hyderabad, Nelludi, Guntur, Vizag, Kakinada, etc. Some of the participants in Sunitha’s team were Shravana Bhargavi, Krishna Rao Krishna Rao is a renowned writer, copywriter, and >> Read More... , Thadha Raja, Manaswini, Sai Krishna Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Deepa, Dinesh, Saket, G. Swati, Rajalakshmi, Namrata, Swarna Adhuri, etc. Some participants from Karunya’s team were Vijay Adithya, Mohini Kumari, Krishna Chaitanya Krishna Chaitanya is a famous lyricist in the Indi >> Read More... , Prashanti, Bhanu Prakash Bhanu Prakash is the talented actor, producer cum >> Read More... , Adithya Raj, etc. The show was won by Bamshi Krishna who won a cash prize of 1 lakh rupees. The second prize went to Bhargavi and Krishna Rao, jointly, who won a cash prize of 50 thousand rupees. The third prize was taken by Praveen with a cash prize of 25 thousand rupees.