Sadhguru Sannidhilo is a spirituality based show in the Telugu language that airs on the channel, ETV Life. ETV Life is a fairly new health and wellness channel that has been launched by ETPL, a flagship company of the very popular ETV Network, under the ownership of Network 18. The show, Sadhguru Sannidhilo was launched in the year 2015. The first episode was telecasted on 14th November 2015. The show is still in the running. The schedule of the show has changed many times ever since it was launched.
When the show started telecasting, it was telecasted twice a week, that is, on the weekends. Then, later on, the schedule was changed to weekdays only. Currently, the show is being aired once a week, every Saturday. But the show airs on three different time slots on the same day, at 7:00 am, 3:30 p.m., and at 6:00 p.m. Each episode of this show is 30 minutes long. Sadhguru Sannidhilo is a spiritual show where Sadhguru
Jaggi Vasudev
Jaggi Vasudev is an Indian-Author. Along with bein >> Read More...
shares his ideas and knowledge about life and preaches his followers on national television. Jaggi Vasudev is referred to as Sadhguru. He is an Indian mystic, yogi, poet and also an author. He has written various books on his findings through the journey of life, finding happiness and the importance of yoga.
Some of his books like “Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy” has also been acclaimed as one of New York Times Best Sellers list. He is also the founder of the Isha Foundation which promotes yoga and organizes yoga campaigns and centers in various part of the globe like India, USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, Malaysia, etc. He has millions of followers worldwide because of his unconventional style of preaching. He has done various such shows in multiple languages. This show captures his various visits and preaching at different gatherings where he talks to his followers about how good health can be achieved by good living and a positive attitude towards life. His beliefs in positive thinking, the power of meditation and yoga can give anyone the desired happiness in life.
He also answers questions by his followers on various concepts like inner peace, inner journey, success formulas in life, etc. The most impressive thing about his sessions is he doesn’t relate his talks or answers to ancient books and teachings, he relates them to his experiences and the current reality of life. He understands the world functions differently now than it did thousands of years ago. So his preaching is also modified according to the reality and is very practical. He doesn’t consider himself as a guru who preaches. He projects himself more like an enlightened soul who wants to share his learnings with the world through sessions. The show brings his sessions to the audience sitting at home who can also benefit from his lessons and develop a different thinking and positive attitude towards life through his discourses.