Dasara Bullollu is an Indian show that premiered in 2017 on ETV Telugu. It is a Telugu language show created for the occasion of Dussehra, aka Vijayadashmi. The show presents the viewers with light-hearted and entertaining performances on account of the occasion. Dussehra aka Vijayadashmi holds particular importance for Lord Ram and Lord Vishnu believers. Dussehra aka Vijayadashmi marks the auspicious day when truth triumphs over evil. Dussehra aka Vijayadashmi brings an optimistic environment and helps build a bridge for friendly communication between people and develop togetherness. To celebrate the day and make it memorable, ETV Telugu hosts an annual show that brings the stars of the Telugu entertainment industry under one roof. The show celebrates the bond actors share as the viewers enjoy impressive and heart-warming performances.
Dasara Bullollu is a show that represents Telugu culture to a mass audience. It is an event that entertains the viewers with a touch of cultural heritage and togetherness. The show features many entertaining performances ranging from dance, singing, fun games, and skits. Dasara Bullollu is an excellent source of entertainment. It is a celebratory event that makes the viewers aware of the tradition and culture of Dussehra, aka Vijayadashmi. Some performances are dedicated to the Lord and present an impactful message to the mass audience. The show celebrates the day with a lot of joy and emotional attachment as the actors express their /enthusiasm for the festival. It is a fantastic devotional entertainment show.
Dasara Bullollu is an event presented in the form of a two-hour long show. The key highlights of the show include the bonding of the South television actors. Viewers and audiences can see a variety of art forms in the show. It is filled with love, fun, and dedication to the holy festival. The show begins with an introduction to the day and hosts of the show. It progresses with a comedy performance by television actors. Viewers can witness memorable and exciting performances by the actors. Later, as the show progresses, the serial actors and singers unite to perform a hilarious skit. The stars participate in tasks and games that make the audience giggle and laugh. At the end of the show, the importance and historical relevance behind the festival is explained through innovative storytelling. It is a delightful show dedicated to the festival of joy and power. Watch the full episode on the ETV Telugu YouTube Channel.