Savithri is an Indian soap opera that is telecasted on the ETV Kannada Television channel. The main story revolves around a woman named Savithri (played by the actor Pallavi). The story is about a normal middle-class Telugu family that resides in a similar society. The woman protagonist is a bold woman who was initially born in a to a village family. Her family loved and cared for her despite the fact that she was a girl child, which was not entirely a positive situation in a village. Her family decided to marry her off to one of her relatives, but Savithri was never interested in getting married. Even though she gets married, she reveals her true emotions to her husband shortly after getting married. Subsequently, a divorce becomes a viable consideration to solve the problem.
Savithri began to form good impressions of her husband as time passed. However, Savithri was always convinced that her husband had feelings for another girl. The truth, however, was quite different. Her husband was never attracted to any other girl than Savithri. There was a girl that her husband would have frequent interactions with, which is the reason behind Savithri’s rising suspicions. This girl would act to be in love with Savitri's husband to convince Savithri that both of them are quite attached to each other, even when they were actually not. It is only after a very long time Savithri finds out about the actual truth, but it is too late for her husband and a twist in the story ends up with him being in a jail.
There comes another guy who returns to become a part of Savithri’s life because he was in love with her before she got married. However, his feeling turn into negative emotions after he finds out that Savithri has married another. He plots a plan and decides to tie the knot with Savithri in order to take revenge for the pain he suffered. Throughout the time he works towards this goal, he behaves as an innocent and good man. It is only till later the actual truth behind this man’s nature is revealed. The story progresses to find out whether Savithri actually falls for this guy’s love trap or does she reunite with his married one and lives happily ever after. The show contains a strong scripted story with powerful emotions and dialogues. This family drama managed to earn numerous watchers during a short span after its initial telecast.