Jeevana Jyothi a Telugu shows featured on ETV, it is an Ayurvedic health treatment show. Through this show, viewers can learn about the ancient cure to any problems through Ayurveda. Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine are the world’s most oldest and comprehensive healing systems. Ayurveda was originally discovered in India thousands of years ago. According to Ayurveda, a persons well-being depends on how well balanced the person’s mind, soul and spirit. Its goal is not to fight diseases but to ensure humans good health.
Ayurveda explains that medical science is divided into 8 categories namely Kāyacikitsāor medicine for the normal body, Kaumāra-bhṛtya or treatment that is given to children, Śalyatantra or the techniques used during a surgery, Śālākyatantra or treatment for ears, nose, throat/mouth (ENT), Bhūtavidyā or demobilising minds of people who are are in the possession of spirits,Agadatantra or toxicology, Rasāyanatantra or tonics to increase the lifespan, intellect and strength of a person, and lastly Vājīkaraṇatantra or treatment to increase the sustainability of semen and sexual pleasures. Ayurvedic Theory says that everything in the universe whether it be living or dead are connected to one another.
The theory believes that any disruptions can cause an imbalance within the mind, soul and spirit. According to Ayurveda every human being is made out of 5 elements: Space, the Air, the Fire, the Water and the Earth. These five elements force are life energies which control the working process of the body. The are three life energies in every person: Vata dosha or space and air, Pitta dosha or fire and water, and Kapha dosha or water and earth. Everyone has a different mix of these life energies, and it’s believed that the balance of these life forces is linked with the chance of getting sick in a person. All Ayurvedic treatment depend on the balance of these life forces.
The ultimate goal of Ayurvedic treatments is to cleanse the body of undigested food or ama, that stick in the body and makes an individual sick. This process is called panchakarma. This process is used to reduce symptom and restore balance. Some of the treatments the Ayurveda recommends are- Breathing Exercises, or Diet changes, or using Herbs,vitamins, minerals, and metals, or Plant-based oils and spices, or even Lifestyle changes or, Meditation,or Stretching, or Yoga, or Aroma Therapy and much more. This show helps people understand and learn useful information as to, how to remain healthy with daily things in life like vegetables and yoga. The anchor of this show is Basaha Raju. One can catch this show every weekday mornings.