“Thinnai” is a TV show on a Tamil channel called Vendhar TV. The show is a political debate on the policies of the government. It also discusses the social issues faced by the society. Vendhar TV was launched on 24th August 2014 by the SRM group. The SRM group has its reach in education, transportation and hospitality sectors. The channel was launched by DrPaariVendhar, founder of the political party “IndhiyaJananayagaKatchi” (IJK). They also own various magazines and other TV channels such as “PuthiyaThalaimurai” and “Puthuyugam”.
The group was also involved in some controversial issue over the death of one of their employee. The channel has its headquarters in Chennai and is broadcasted all over India. It also has broadcast in foreign countries such as Kuwait and Singapore. The channel airs various entertainment, cookery, and reality game shows. Some of the programmes are “Vendharveetukalyanam”, “ Iruvar Iruvar is the weekend competitive reality show, wh >> Read More... ”, “Ninaithalainnikum”, “Kollywood roundup”, “ Ring O Ring Ring-O-Ring is a reality game show. It telecasted >> Read More... ”, etc. The singing competitions organised by the channel have a popular appeal among the masses. The show"Thinnai" is a debate on the government policies and programmes. The debate is conducted in the form of a panel discussion. It brings together politicians, social workers, personalities from different walks of life to debate and discuss the problems faced in the country. The show also focusses on contemporary social issues faced by the people.
The show makes an attempt to bring to the public notice the voices and opinions of affluent people from various sectors. The show also critically analysis the impact of the government policies on the people. Discussion on the government policies brings to notice the methods of the government by which they try to solve the problems of the people. The show leads to heated arguments and debates, but it helps the voicing of various opinions. The show also includes social workers giving their perspectives which generally focuses on the government’s success to reach out to the people from different sections of the society. Environmentalists are also invited to give their opinion on government projects.
Such kind of debates is necessary for an entertainment channel so as to target a larger number of audience. Though they largely focus on policies of the regional government, they discuss national politics also. The show aims to increase the awareness of the people so that they are prepared to make wise decisions while voting.