Romeo Juliet is a Tamil reality show broadcast on the ZEE Tamil channel. This show is hosted by VJ Kamal and Ashwin Karthik Ashwin Karthik is a Tamil personality and a renown >> Read More... . All the TV actresses working in various shows of Zee Tamil channel are allowed to select their Romeos in this show. A group of suitable men is called on this show to find Juliet. Each Romeo is awarded his Juliet and teams are formed. The girls already described their dream men. Now do the men arriving match even the actress’ profile? All these men are aged actors and are a joke considered to the girl’s expectations. Would the age difference between these actors and actresses cause some difficulties in their compatibility? The actors chose the girls, who want to participate in this show. After this match making ceremony, a dance competition is held. The newly made couples are then seated and explained the games. The couple with the best chemistry would be the winner. The first task is for the Romeos of the show. They have to place a garland around Juliet’s neck while she is swinging on a swing. Juliet, with the maximum number of Garlands around her neck, would win. Then she has to place all those garlands around her Romeos’s neck.
The second part of this task involves swapping the positions on the swing and the person putting the garland. Karthik and Kamal keep on entertaining the audience with their jokes. The next task involves imitating the poster of actors and actresses from films. The host then tells the couple to freeze and the couple who looks the most like the poster is the one who gets points. This show was held on the occasion of the festival of Dusshera. The next task is to bring a ball holding it between the legs of respective partner’s legs and bringing it to a basket. The coordination between these newly made couples is necessary for this task. The more balls the couple manages to bring, the more points they will be awarded. The next task is to hold a chapatti in between the mouths of the couple to bring it to the desired plate. All these tasks test the couple’s compatibility, chemistry, and coordination.
The next task is to revolve as many times as the hosts want to make the contestants dizzy and then make them try to break a coconut using a hammer. Some of the contestants become so dizzy that they fall on stage. The more coconuts the couple manages to break in shortest amount of time would be awarded points. After this round, the next task is for the Juliets to aim at their Romeos. The Romeos would be wearing a costume containing some points. The balloons have to be aimed at the number and that would be added to the couple’s score. This is the last round after which the winners are announced. To see these mismatched couples try and make their chemistry work, watch this show Romeo Juliet.