Aired on Imayam TV in Tamil, Rajavin Raagangal shows various artists singing songs composed by famous musicians of South Indian industry. Primarily dedicated to music lovers, the program has been instrumental in entertaining the audiences from all over the globe. Music has always held a special place in our daily lives. Listened not only for entertainment, but music is also considered the best remedy to lighten the mood and de-stress yourself. People of all age groups have a liking for different kinds of music. Some like jazz, some prefer pop while some like to listen to traditional classical music. Rajavin Raagangal means the Ragas of the King. It takes back the viewers to the time when the musicians had limited musical instruments.
They had little knowledge of music and used various commodities to introduce music to the world. Eventually, in the 16th century, famous musician Purandara Dasa introduced Carnatic music to the world. An episode emphasizing the importance of music, narrated the story of a well-known music composer, Ilaiyaraaja. Having composed more than 6000 songs and provided music for more than 1000 movies, Ilaiyaraaja holds a special place in South Indian music industry. His immense contribution of integrating folk music with Tamil and introducing western beats into South Indian music has been impressive. Well-known singers like K. S. Chithra, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, and S. Janaki have sung most of the songs composed by Ilaiyaraaja.
The host of the show further told the audiences about the awards won by Ilaiyaraaja. He won an award for mixing symphonic orchestration with traditional Indian instrumentation and also became the first Asian to compose a full symphony. Known as a Musical genius, he created songs for a variety of genres like religious, devotional, an oratorio, and world music. Another most watched episode pointed out the difference between Carnatic music and Cine music. The program started by showing how Carnatic music has been facing isolation since a long time.
On the other hand, Cine music has gained a lot of popularity. Be it movie themes, advertisements for watches, and even elevators, Cine music attracts a lot of listeners. More and more people have been using Cine music to promote their products, to convey messages and also to entertain viewers. Cine music can be called as a fusion of Indian and Western music and combines the beats of both genres. Most of the songs these days are a mixture of various musical genres as it appeals the listeners. For more updates on latest Tamil programs, log on to channel Imayam TV on YouTube.