Naatiya Sangamam was a documentary style show that aired on Sthree TV. The channel was one of the first that focused on women and exclusively aired programs around their life. The show was a one-off special that focused on the classical Indian dance forms. It was an hour long special that highlighted the present situation of various Indian dance forms. The show was presented with the help of Sarvam Foundation in New Delhi.
It is a foundation based on ancient Indian art forms, and it works to modernize them and make them suitable for the modern world. They organize various events to promote and showcase the art forms. The show tracked the various dance forms that the foundation focuses on – Bharatnatyam and Kathakali. Both are ancient dance forms that originated in South India and are treated as more devotional forms of dance. Kathakali is a story style art form where the performers use their dance, body expressions to create and tell a story.
It is known for the colourful and elaborate makeup and costumes that the dancers wear. Bharatnatyam is one of the oldest dance traditions in India. It is known for its various poses and movements, where each of them has a different meaning behind them. Bharatnatyam performances express the legends and stories of Hinduism visually. The show tracks the teachers and students of the Sarvam foundation in their daily schedule and their life. It has students from around the world who come to learn the art forms under the mentors.
The show highlighted all their training they must go through. The mentors at Sarvam Foundation believe in the bond between mind and body and emphasize on the strength of both. As a result, the trainees undergo training to strengthen their body and mind. They also include Yoga to aid their exercises. The students then practice various poses and movements involved in Bharatnatyam and Kathakali. They are not only taught but also learn the meaning behind these poses. Besides showing their training, the show also showcased the people that run the foundation.
The foundation has mentors and teachers who’ve had years practicing their art forms. The show interviewed them to understand what goes into training their students. The interviews are great and provide a lot of insight. They also talk about their experiences and their expectations and what they expect in the future.