“Machi, Ready Ah?” is gaming type show that is broadcasted by the Tamil TV channel - Aditya (Which is owned by the Sun TV network). The show was first telecasted on the 17Th of January this year (2016). The show is broadcasted once a week on Sundays. The show is hosted by two hilarious Video Jockeys, though it ‘s crew includes 2 more people - ‘Chhotu’ and ‘Motu’- who offer comic relief (and also demonstrate how the tasks are to be performed). The show invites 3 teams of 2 members each, the first episode of the show featured Sun Music TV VJs’ while in the second episode. The show starts with the contestants introducing themselves. They tell the VJs, the other contestants and the audience something about themselves, such as their place of work (if they are studying, they specify their branch of study), their hobbies, etc.
The participants of the show are selected at random from a number of applicants who send in their names (who want to appear on the show). The show is full of energy, and the VJs’ method of making fun of the participants, as well as themselves, makes the show even more relatable. The show is an impromptu comedy show wherein the contestants are required to think on their feet and improvise on the tasks they are given. The topics for the various rounds are not fixed and are based on predetermined prompts from the host, who sets up the game and situation that the performers are then asked to improvise. The show featured some tasks where all the performers were required, while others had fewer people. Before the games begin, the participants had to sit in the stadium like a seat (stairs) facing the show hosts. Performers who were not involved in a game would remain in their seats.
The show is marked by hilarious banter between the performers and the hosts. There are different types of games on the show, which include, performance of improve skits on a particular scenario, providing sound effects for a scene enacted by the hosts, a version of charades where a contestant is given a movie title or show which they then have to explain to their partner in the game, while the other person must guess what their team-mate is trying to explain to them. The show is an excellent comedy show which hugely popular with the youth in Tamil Nadu, the show is the first of its kind on Indian television, and is entirely new to Indian audiences which explain its large fan followers.