The King of Comedy juniors is a Tamil T.V. reality show which is light - hearted and entertainment based. The show is being broadcasted on the famous Star Vijay TV channel from eight April 2017 to present and has an estimated running time of 40 to 45 minutes for each episode. Super - Talented children above the age of 4 and below the age of 15 are selected through many rounds of auditions both online and offline that take place in many locations throughout the state.
The show presents children performing on stage in front of the judges as well as the public seated beside them. The format of the show is such that it eliminates a child every week or month with the least score and the child to reach the top wins the title of the ‘King of Comedy Junior’ as well as the trophy for the same with some cash prize. It is not just any normal performance, they are full of mischief, energy as well as hilarious humour.
Apart from stand - up comedy and dance performances the children team up and perform hysterical plays and sketches too that are loved by the public. This is considered as the perfect platform for these young,immensely - talented children who wish to make it big in their life and become a superstar in the future.
The children get lots and lots of exposure whichfills in a lot of self-confidence and boosts their morale too, they also get to meet other new children of almost their own age on the show itself. The judges Robo Shankar Robo Shankar is an upcoming comedian artiste in th >> Read More... , Rambha and Sindhu’s are themselves famous celebrities in the fields like stand - up comedy, comedy actors, comedy films etc.
Their reactions take the show to a whole new level, plus the show’s smart host Priyanka add another level of glamor as well as comedy to the already amusing weekly soap. The show is welcomed very warmly every time it is aired on the television and that is the reason of the high TRP (television rating points) and large views that it receives every week.
The show can be accessed in both offline as well as online formats. In offline mode, it is available on the television where you can watch it. Online it can be accessed on websites like YouTube, dish Tamil, TamilTV shows etc. You can even download these shows and watch them at your convenience.
Another Version Story:
This is a reality, stand-up comedy show in the Tamil language which airs on Vijay Tv. There have been two seasons of the show, first one was aired on 8th April 2017, and the second one was aired on 24th November. Both the seasons were presented by Priyanka. The judges for the first season were Sindhu, Rambha, and Robo Shankar, while for the second season was Erode Mahesh Erode Mahesh is a TV anchor in Tamil television ch >> Read More... , Vani Bhojan Vani Bhojan is a Tamil television serial actress a >> Read More... , and Robo Shankar.
The judges were themselves comedians or comedy actors who judged the contestants.The contestants were children who wanted to show their talent to make others laugh. The winner of the first season was Suchil while the winner title was bagged by Hema Priya in the second season. This is a good family show.