Junior Superstar- Season 2 is a talent-based Tamil reality show for kids. After a successful season one, season 2 was launched on the 13th of May, 2017. The show was directed by Praveen G. The audition held on 26th of March 2017 in some of the main cities such as Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Chennai, Salem, Tirunelveli, and Tiruppur. The show is broadcasted every weekend between 7 pm to 8.30 pm. It was the third most viewed reality show. The channel hired a group called ‘Thirai Pattarai’ to train the children for the role.
The show started with twenty-two contestants and ran for sixteen weeks. The show gave a platform to the participants to showcase their acting skills. The participants’ capability was judged by a prestigious jury. The jury included Tamil Nadu’s one of the most admired actresses, Roja and actor cum producer, and director Bhagyaraj, and also a praised TV celebrity Archana. The show was presented by Popular Model and TV VJ, Kiki Vijay. Several actors also became the guests and encouraged the participants. The show featured children in the age group of four-fourteen years. The children were given tasks and challenges to display their creativity, acting skills, and their dedication and desire towards their passion. The scripts focused on comedy but plays with a social message. The show covered social issues such as dowries, child marriages, shaming and numerous other topics. Not only were they judged by their acting skills but also, they were helped nourish their skills to a great extent. The contestants are too confident and dedicative. They handed the scripts quite well. From understanding and memorizing the scripts, acting, body language and, stage performance was impressive.
The grand episode was held at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Tamil Comedy actor Santhanam was invited to be the chief guest for the event. Bhavass won the title for the show. Nithyasri and Karmugil were the runners-up and, Niharika was the second runner-up. The show attracted viewers from various backgrounds.