There was lacunae in the field of Tamil Debates in the entire Kollywood at the South Indian Derby. After the grand success of Director Visu's 'Aratai Arangam' in Sun Television Network Entertainment Private Limited and Kavingnar's 'Akagada Vigadam' in the Raj TV every tale, serial freak had decided to move on to such form of discussions especially on the mornings of the beginning of the week.
Every new broadcasting corporation enters into the Cable Act, 1994 had thrived hard to produce one such event every week. Out of them had the name 'Ithu Unga Medai'. The English Translation had the work, 'This is your Floor.' Unlike the traditional disputation, where there was exactly two sides in the division, these programs had several topics to discuss in a single season. One of the most watched episodes had included the concept on the theme as to whether the Tamil Language, culture, heritage, and music had been preserved for generations to come. The senators had ferocious thoughts present within them and had unleashed when it had necessitated. One of the keynote speakers had conceptualized that the Tamil cannot destroy on any point in time and those who had attempted to do that had miserably failed in achieved their goals.
The Chief Guests of Roll of Honor had the presence of Chintanai Semmal Pulavur Suki. Sivam, the flag bearer of Dravidian Party, Mr. Bharathan, Former Member of Anna Dravida Munatra Kazhagam and founding member of Gandia Makkal Eyakam, Mr. Tamil Aruvi Manian, and Former Vijay Television Network Private Limited, 'Tamil engal pechu Tamil engal Moochu' fame Kaviko Bharathi Selvan.
The audience had outstanding energy throughout the competition. They had clapped for an entire session as they had found various points of interest in their watch. Following the grand success of one such episode, the Channel had decided to conduct special shows during every Tamil Festival in their country. The program had also attracted various title sponsors during the running time. Further, they had started to draw the Speaker from different districts; they had begun the telecast from each region. They had also highlighted the greatness and history of the ward that they had. Further, they also had helped those people in the locality who had outperformed but had not shined owing to the financial constraints in the country.