Adayalam is a Tamil TV fiction show. The show is another addition to the daily soap genre. It was first aired on 10 May 1991. The show had a great impact on the minds of the people as it was one of the highest-rated daily soap at its time. You can estimate its popularity by the fact that it still has a rating of 7.1 on IMDb, one of the leading website for daily soaps and films all around the world. The show will feature Lalu Alex Lalu Alex is a famous actor in Malayalam cinema in >> Read More... , Janardan, Kalpana, Kanchun, T.P. Madhavan, Rekha Malik, Mammootty, Murali, Ragini, Sankardi, Shobhana, and Valsala Menon Having nearly 30 years of acting experience in the >> Read More... in different characters in the daily soap.
S.N. Swamy has penned down the script of the show. He is also the man behind writing the screenplay of the show. K. Madhu has directed the show and has guided the actors to take the most out of them. The plot of the show revolves around Latha (Rekha) who has to run her father's business empire. He suffered a major stroke and is not in the condition of taking the pressure of his business. Latha receives an unknown call from a person demanding a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs. He threatens her to fulfill his demands.
Otherwise, her family will have to face shameful circumstances, and he will reveal unknown and embarrassing information and details about his father in the market. Scared by this, Latha starts looking for ways to deal with the blackmailer. She had no idea about how to counter this situation. She also gets tensed about the motive of the blackmailer and is frustrated by the thought of blackmailer asking more money after fulfilling his first demand of money. She starts looking for people in her contact who can counter this situation well. She gets to know about Captain Hariharan. He runs a detective agency and is efficient in tackling such kinds of blackmails.
The show took a leap when it was later revealed that the blackmailer, as well as Latha's brother Suresh, are murdered one after another. Hariharan starts its investigation and by evidence; he accuses Latha and her sister Malini for the act. He is not sure about them and continues his investigation. The serial further reveals the story of the show and the culprit behind all these acts. The show has a huge fan base even after 25 years of its release. It is also a notable fact that it was one of the first works of the great superstar Mammootty in the industry.