Aaha Kalyanam is a Tamil show broadcast on Sun Life channel. This show captures the most talked about wedding of the season. The anchor of this show is Diya. Aaha Kalyanam shows the big fat Tamil weddings of common people, no celebrities. All the different rituals and ceremonies of the wedding are captured and shown to the viewers of this show. People are naturally curious to find out how a bride and groom from the Hindu and the Christian backgrounds made their wedding possible in this conservative Indian society. The difficulties this couple faced to just convince their families for this wedding are shown in this show. The guests of the wedding are captured in their natural element and different postures of the bride and groom are arranged which are then photographed and shown to the audience.
All the details of the wedding, its decorations etc, nothing is left unnoticed in this show. The ceremonies of the wedding are all shown in its order of happening. The mother and father of the bride and groom and the role they play in the wedding, all the rituals in which their blessing and presence are required are shown. The pre-wedding shoot of the bride and groom, along with wedding songs without which any wedding is incomplete are all given in detail to the audience. From the ring ceremony to the main part of the wedding every part is captured.
The past life and occupations of the bride and groom are made known to the viewers along with their story ie, how they met and all the details. The title song of this show is really popular. This song was launched at PETTA audio launch in which people greatly liked the song. From the make-up artists who worked on the bride and groom and made them wedding-ready to the pandit who performed the rituals of the wedding, every smallest of the smallest detail is captured.
At the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride has to leave her parent’s which includes a lot of emotional moments. The car in which she and her husband depart is also shown to the audience. This show is a celebration of Indian Tamil weddings. This is a family show and entertains people fully. From the title song to every single detail of this show, everything is famous.