Sirikka Sirikka Sirippu is a comedy show in the ‘Tamil’ language that is aired on the channel ‘Adithya TV’. ‘Adithya TV’ is part of the ‘Sun Network’ in India. It is a 24-hour comedy channel and is also the most-watched comedy channel in all over ‘Tamil Nadu’. Sirikka Sirikka Sirippu is one such comedy show. The show was telecasted during the year 2016. The show is aired all seven days of the week. It is aired at different time slots in the entire day.
The show is telecasted from Monday to Friday at 9:00 p.m., on Saturdays at 10:00 am and both Saturdays and Sundays at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. as well. The runtime of each episode is one hour. Sirikka Sirikka Sirippu is a comedy based show that shows back to back comedy clips from famous ‘Tamil’ movies. The show also features popular ‘Tamil’ comedians from the old generation and as well as the new. The show is your daily dose of laughter that you need in order to take your mind off all that stress and relax.
The show has no specific format or host or set-up. The show has just pure comedy scenes from old and new ‘Tamil’ comedy movies. It just focuses on making people laugh. It also brings in a certain sense of nostalgia in the audience when they see comic acts from veteran comedians or comedy scenes from the old classic ‘Tamil’ movies. Some episodes in the show also feature certain comedy skits or gigs by some of the eminent comedians in the ‘Tamil’ film industry.
The funny antics of these popular comedians of ‘Tamil’ film industry bring a riot of laughter to its audience. But it is not that the show is based on absolute mindless comedy. If we have to bring up any serious issue or problem that we face in our lives or our society without hurting sentiments or outraging people, the best way to do that is with the use of comedy. And some of these new and old comedians do exactly that. They throw light on major social issues by enacting them in the form of a comedy gig.
Some skits have social messages that come with them. Popular comedians like ‘Vennira Adai Murthy’ enacted one such comedy skit with a social message hidden in it in the same show. So the show uses humour, not only to crack up the audience but also to convey very powerful messages with regards to society that we live in.
Another version of the Show...
Sirikka Sirikka Sirippu is a comedy show hosted by
Erode Mahesh
Erode Mahesh is a TV anchor in Tamil television ch >> Read More...
. In this show, he narrates instances of humor, showcases clips of comedy movies, and other comedians of the show enact scenes from comedy movies that will definitely make you laugh till your stomach hurts.
Sirippu itself means to smile, to perform comedy, and as the name suggests, it is an out and out comedy show. Laughter is a boon, it is the shortest distance between two people. Laughter is considered to be a fascinating reaction that humans can give. And the most surprising fact about laughter is that it is involuntary, you can’t do it by force.
It takes approximately 43 muscles to frown whereas it takes 26 only to smile. It has been proven that laughing often, releases endorphins (the happy-hormones) that are great stress-busters. Laughing has a positive impact on our body, mind and soul, which in turn has a positive effect on our attitude, lifestyle and health. It is considered as a therapy too. Some people have also gotten positive results because of laughter therapy. Most of the people have agreed that watching comedy shows makes them feel happy and lively.
This show is one of the most viewed shows by the audience. It has all elements which have made it a huge success. Critics have given it a rating of 3.5/5, and the viewers have given it a rating of 4/5. It sometimes involves adult comedy hence it is advised that children watch it under the supervision of parents.
This comedy show is aired on Adithya TV from Monday to Friday and runs for a good 60 minutes from 9.00PM TO 10.00PM. The show has bagged high ratings and TRPs because of the additional social message given through it to the audience. It has proven to be a huge hit on youtube as well, with a good number of views.
The main highlight of this show is the literal and cinematic comedy, the themes introduced in it, and the social message it gives. Many celebrities participate in this show as a part of their movie promotions as well as for a dose of comedy from the famous comedians.
Overall, this is a great comedy show, a time pass as well as stress buster for viewers. It involves situation comedy (sitcom) which makes it more spontaneous and exciting to watch. ”A day without laughter is a day wasted”- So be happy, laugh and live longer.