Malajanha (Dead Moon) was a classic story based on a novel of the same title by the Oriya novelist Upendra Kishore Das. The star of the show was Swaraj Barik Swaraj Barik is an Indian actor who works in the O >> Read More... . The story explored an unusual issue of love between a married woman and a young man in rural India in the 1970s. Sati, the series' female protagonist, was forced to marry a wealthy, unattractive elderly who lived with a concubine by her impoverished parents. When a young neighbor, Natha, developed romantic feelings for her, she discovered another means to overcome her life's misfortune. Both eventually left the hamlet and went to Cuttack. Their conservative neighbors are skeptical about their friendship. Sati, who can no longer bear the uproar surrounding her and Natha, committed suicide by jumping into the river.