Budha Sankhari was a very heart-touching story that aired on Tarang Plus. Budha Sankhari had a difficult life. Only loneliness and solitude remain for this elderly and frail bangle salesman. Budha Sankhari, who saw his dead daughter in the face of the young zamindar (Landowner) wife, was overcome with emotion. As a result, when the zamindar's young wife requested that he make asmaan tara (gorgeous) bangles for her, he obliged. On the orders of the zamindar's wife, Buddha Sankhari used blood, sweat, tears, and a lot of effort to create these bangles. His goal was to see a grin on her face after he designed her favorite bangles. The joy on the girl's face when she saw the bangles would have been the best reward for the old bangle seller's labor.
But fate had something unpleasant in store for Budha Shankhari once more. After arriving at the zamindar's house with the beautiful, colorful bangles, he discovered they were no longer necessary. Because the young zamindar girl had become a widow, she was not supposed to wear jewelry. The show is made available to watch online via the Tarang Plus website.