Julun yeti Reshimgathi is a Marathi-language romantic drama series. It is a soap opera that aired on Zee Marathi from 25 November 2013 to 26 September 2015. It ran for a total of 582 episodes. It is about the love story of a couple who eventually fall in love after marriage and many complications. After their marriage, Aditya and Meghana become friends. Both are very mature and understanding. They face obstacles  and try to solve them together. They are so much in love that they could die for each other.
The plot of the story shows that Meghana Kudalkar is in love with his boyfriend, Aditya Nagarkar. But her father, Suresh, doesn’t  want Meghana to marry Aditya because he needs a settled man. Aditya Desai Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , the Chartered accountant, is a good cultural man, who stays with his family. Meghana’s aunt  fixes the marriage of Meghana with Aditya Desai. Aditya falls in love with Meghana at first sight.
On the wedding day, Meghana tells Aditya that she loves her boyfriend. Aditya, being a good man, gives Meghana a chance to choose between him and her boyfriend. She unknowingly starts to become a part of the Desai family. Her behavior also changes towards the family. She falls in love with Aditya. When the Desai family gets to know about Meghana’s love affair, they get angry. Then Meghana proves her love for the family as well as for Aditya.
Meghana gets to know about the accident that killed her boyfriend, Aditya. How she manages her marital and parental family with the help of his understanding husband, Aditya, forms the crux of the storyline.