Ha Khel Savlyancha" is a Marathi television serial aired on Fakt Marathi on 22nd February 2021. The show is produced by Mahesh Kothare Mahesh Kothare is a yesteryear Marathi and Hindi a >> Read More... under the banner of Kothare Vision Pvt Ltd. The show features a talented cast that includes Suyash Tilak Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Abhidnya Bhave Abhidnya Bhave is an Indian actress from Maharasht >> Read More... , and Girija Prabhu Girija Prabhu is a well known Marathi reality star >> Read More... in prominent roles. The story of "Ha Khel Savlyancha" revolves around Karan, played by Suyash Tilak, a talented cricketer who dreams of making it big in the sport. However, his father wants him to become an engineer, which puts Karan in a dilemma. He is torn between following his passion for cricket and fulfilling his father's expectations. Karan's grandmother, played by Girija Prabhu, is his biggest supporter and encourages him to pursue his dreams. She convinces Karan's father to allow him to pursue cricket and supports Karan throughout his journey.
Meanwhile, Karan's love interest, Pooja, played by Abhidnya Bhave, also supports him in his pursuit of becoming a cricketer. The show follows Karan's journey as he faces various challenges and obstacles while pursuing his dream. He faces competition from other talented players, struggles with injuries, and faces opposition from his father's business partner, who wants Karan to quit cricket and work in their family business. As the show progresses, Karan's passion for cricket leads him to various opportunities, including a chance to play for the state team.
He also meets various people who influence his life and career, including his coach, teammates, and fellow players. "Ha Khel Savlyancha" is an inspiring and engaging television serial that highlights the importance of following one's passion and pursuing it with dedication and determination. The show's talented cast and a compelling storyline make it a must-watch for anyone who loves sports and inspiring stories.