The Veruthe Alla Bharya was a Malayalam TV show. It has completed three seasons on the television screen. Every reality shows have a different concept to entertain the audience. It was started on 9 August 2013 and, final were held on March 2014. The participants of the show were couples.It has the different theme for judging the potential of the contestants. In this show, the participants were in a couple they are husband and, wife. It grabs the attention of all the categories of the audience.
The new thing in the show was that the participant could judge one another. The show was hosted by ' Shweta Menon Shweta Menon is a Malayalam and Hindi movie actres >> Read More... '. She is a renowned actress. In the Veruthe Alla Bharya Season 3, there was four couple in the final. The name of the couples was 'Syril' - ' Anu Anu is a Kannada television serial. It premiered o >> Read More... ', 'Najmudeen' - ' Ramana Ramana is a South Indian actor; he works in Tamil, >> Read More... ', 'Manjesh' - 'Shajitha', and ' Deepu Pradeep ‘Deepu’ Kumar is an Indian playback singer >> Read More... ' - 'Jini'. The competition of the couples was really tight among this four pair. After the final rounds, Syril – Anu became the winner of the Veruthe Alla Bharya Season 3.
The Veruthe Alla Bharya TV show had received the great number of fans along with the TRP as well. It was broadcasted on the Mazhavil Manorama. It aired on the every Sunday at 7 PM. The final of the show was held on 16 March 2014. The famous actress ' Khushboo Story coming soon... >> Read More... ' was a guest of honour during this occasion. The Veruthe Alla Bharya Season 3 was in the discussion due to the attraction of prize distribution among all the winners.
The Syril and, Anu got the luxurious flat of rupees one Crore. The second winner Manjesh and, Shajitha received the cash prize of five Lakh rupees. The second runner up was Deepu and, Jini. They got a cash prize of one Lakh rupees. The Najmudeen and, Ramsana stood on the fourth place. They also got the same prize amount as that of second runner up. Apart from this, one more award was given in the final of the Alla Bharya Season 3 that was Most Popular Couple.
This award was won by Manjesh and, Shajitha. The final winners were declared by the task performance of the contestants and, the question answer round. Taking all the rounds in the consideration the final results were announced. In the Season 1, the winner was Bazil and, Suma. The second Season was won by Sam and, Viji. If you wish to see the couple reality show then, you can go for Veruthe Alla Bharya.