Susi’s Code has been one of the greatest music shows that the Malayalam Small Screen had ever noticed in their entire history. The tagline of the serial per se indicates about the nature of the episodes. It was Istam Polae Pattu (Exact English Translation was Song as per Wish). The artist in the work deserves applause for bringing out such a beautiful program. They were as follows. Ameen, the well-known producer of the Music programs across various channels in the country, was roped in by the Kairali Television Networks Private Limited.
The Video Jockey for the event would be Rajisha also known as Rajisha Vijayan, daughter of Vijayan, a private Banker by Profession. She was known for her charm and pronunciation in the Malayalam Language. Various locations had chosen in order to make the work more interesting. As expected, the camera man was picked as Geethesh as well as Manikandan. Karippal from the Graphics World would be the Graphic Designer for the events. Pavan was the kingpin and selected as the Editor for the Program.
After the success of the First season, the program went on for the second edition. There was a slight change in the team. Geethesh did not continue as the camera man for the upcoming versions. Hanna Bella was found to be the replacement for the previous anchor, Rajisha Vijayan. The traits of Hanna soon got her the opportunity to act in the Malayalam Cinemas in various guest roles. She was charming as well as sarcastic in her tone that had brought up her Facebook page likes into 1540 as on the 31st day of the 08th month for the year 2016.
The format of the show was that the anchor goes around the city and finds a beautiful background to host the show. Once found, the Jockeys would discuss the speciality of the day or the day in the history. Then they would proceed to the song that has been most sought by the audiences in the State. They would then discuss the speciality of the song and give minute details about the singers as well as the music directors in the film. Four songs would be chosen and discussed. The camera setup would be a dual camera set up whereby the pixel density has determined as 570i in non-high definition channels and 1080i in the case of the high definition channels.