The reality show is the emerging trend in the India. It offers the platform for the budding talent to grow and nurture. The South Indian shows are not at the back of the race. It also possesses the renowned shows on the television. The Star Singer Junior Season 2 is the show on the Asianet TV. It is very popular in the Kerala as well as outside the state. It is the singing competition show which showed the talent of children. It already had its first Season which was successful on the TV show. They had taken the inspiration from the first show and love of audience made the channel, to bring back the Star Singer Junior Season 2. The first Season of the Star Singer Junior was organised in the year 2008. The second Season was in the year 2011. It is the singing competition where the budding singer has to show off their talent of singing.
The children of the age group from 10 to 15 years were allowed to take participate in this show. The show has received a tremendous number of applications during audition phase. The participants were sorted on the basis of the flare singing. After the sorting process, only 24 candidates made their position for the competition of the final trophy. The Star Singer Junior Season 2 was also in the discussion because of the NazriyaNazim. She was the anchor of the show. She made her debut from this show and later become the leading actress of the industry. The judges for the Star Singer Junior Season 2 was Omnakutty who is a multi-talented singer, Sujatha, renowned playback singer, and G.Venugopal, a famous playback singer.
The panels were expertise in the field. They guided the participants very well. They told the flaws in the singing so that they can improve their self. The show was aired at 8PM on Saturday and Sunday of the week. The final of the program was held on 14 August 2011. On the final day, various eminent personalities were present on the occasion. The audience vote decided the winner of the competition. The Adarsh who belongs to Kollam was the winner of the Star Singer Junior Season 2. He has got the flat of 50 Lakh. The first runner-up was Vishnu who bagged the prize of 10 Lakh. The second runner-up was Vaishali, from Kollam. She won the prize of 2 Lakh. Do not wonder if the Season 3 comes back on the screen. We come to know that audition for the Star Singer Junior Season 3 is going to be soon. So, be ready for the competition of singing.