Nokketha Adhoorath is a Malayalam daily soap opera that airs on the Mazahavil Manorama channel. The show airs daily at 7:00 pm. The show started its run in June 2017. The show has a big cast of actors including Kiran, Shafna, Ashwani, Alencier, Premprakash, Sneha, Anoop, Sreedevi Thiruvilwamala, and Gayathri. The show is one of the first show that caters to the Non-Resident Malayali speaking people. Kerala has seen a lot of emigration towards the Middle East, which has led to a large community of Malayalis in Dubai.
The show has NRI protagonists, and the show is set in Dubai. It's an attempt to showcase the life of these people in Dubai. Rather than portraying a fictional version of the city, the show is actually shot in the city of Dubai. Nokkethaa adhoorath is a typical romantic soap opera. The plot revolves around two main characters – Udayan and Archana. Udayan is an accomplished person, who works and lives in Dubai. Udayan was friends with Archana since childhood, and they eventually came closer to each other while growing up.
During his youth, Udayana finally commits to Archana, and they decide to enter in a relationship. They take this further and decide to marry. Instead of Dubai, Archana and Udayan decide to have the wedding in their native place, in Kerala, with their relatives. Archana and Udayan finalize the details of their wedding. However, tragedy strikes on the day Udayan was supposed to leave. While Udayan is on the airport in Dubai, waiting for his flight to Kerela, he finds a girl in distress.
He then faces a dilemma whether to save the girl and disappoint Archana or leave the girl and fulfil the commitment towards his love? He decides to save the girl and hopes that Archana would understand. After saving the girl, he comes to know that she’s a Muslim girl living in Dubai. The show then starts revolving around these three main characters, after this incident. The relationship between Archana and Udayan gets complicated with the entry of this girl. The story revolves around Udayan, as he tries to resolve the disputes and treat everyone justly.
It's a challenge for Udayan to understand Archana and make her aware of the situation. Udayan finds himself in a tricky situation with his love on one side and the distressed girl on the other. Can Udayan solve the crisis and ultimately marry his love, Archana? Well, keep watching!