Mazhayariyathe is a famous and popular Malayalam tele-serial which presently airs on the popular and prominent Malayalam entertainment television channel Surya TV on weekdays from Monday through Friday from 7:00pm onwards as per the Indian standard time (IST). It is a family daily drama soap and is directed by veteran tele-serial director K.K.Rajeev. The term Mazhayariyathe in Malayalam literally means “Despise the knowledge of rain”. The story of Mazhayariyathe is a women centric show that depicts the life story of the main protagonist of the show Achu, who hails from a poor family and has gained success in her own right and works very very hard to support her family. She falls in love with a rich man and they secretly gets married and Achu becomes pregnant. But, Due to some serious misunderstandings created by her in-laws separates her from her husband and she eventually gives birth to her daughter from whom also she gets separated. Years later, Achu lost all her money for her ailing mother and compelled by her poor financial state has sent her blind ailing mother to an old age home. In the old age home, she meets her grown up daughter who despises Achu and does not want to let her know that Achu is her mother. The serial delivered some commendable acting by the actors and actresses-Anitha Peter and Dhileep Rajan, etc.