Kadamattathachan is a popular Malayalam historic drama television serial which aired on one of the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Surya tv from Monday to Friday from 9:00 pm onwards as per the Indian standard time (IST). Kadamattathachan also aired separately on other leading Malayalam tv channels also like Asianet and Jai Hind TV where the leading role of Kathanar in Kadamattathachan was played by ace Malayalam actor
Prakash Paul
. Kadamattathachan or Kathanar was a christian priest in medieval Kerala who is believed to have supernatural powers and was a master of Sorcery. He is also believed to be the founder of Kadamattathachan group or sect of churches which are the oldest church built in Kerala and in the land of the Thomas Christians. The story of the tv show revolves around the mystical life story of the good and kind hearted powerful , intelligent and efficient Christian priest who lived in the 9th century near Travancore. His life is full of mystery and there is no historical documents supporting his exeistence but the legeneds confirmed that there was such a priest who had immense supernatural powers and also had a vast knowledge of sorcery. He has written many books on sorcery but those are really not legible nor understandable by common people. The character of Kadamatthathachan Kathanar or Kochu is lived in the small television screen through actor Prakash Paul who with his commendable acting has made the audiences believe that he really existed and made the show quite popular amongst its viewers.