A Korean Odyssey is a fantasy thriller series with horror and comedy elements. It is a spinoff of Journey to the West, a Chinese novel of the 16th Century written by Wu Cheng’en. A Korean Odyssey was premiered on TVN on 23rd December 2017. It ended on 4th March 2018. The series got telecasted on Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00 pm. Penned by Hong Jung-Eun and Hong Mi-ran, the series is directed by Park Hong-Kyun, Kim Jung-Hyun, and Kim Byung-soo. JS Pictures produced the series. The series streamed on Netflix too.
Seon-Mi is a school-going girl capable of seeing the ghosts, and this made her family isolate her. However, her grandmother supports her, and she has an umbrella with some protection spells by a Buddhist monk. One day, when she was returning home from school, she finds a ghost following her. A man with a black hat rescued her from the ghost and requested her a favor. He asks her to get him a fan in a magical house. The man warns her not to see and speak with anyone in the house. But, when he gets in, Son Oh Gong, a person inside the house, tells her that the man who asked her to do the work is dangerous. He also says that he will protect her from danger if she frees him. But, after she sets him free, he escapes from the place and erases his name from her memory.
After a few years, she becomes a businesswoman dealing with real estate. She buys haunted houses, exorcises the ghosts, and sells the houses at a profit. One day, Seon Mi meets Oh Gong, and she remembered him. She asked him why he did that. She did not get the right answer from him. Son Oh-gong wants to be immortal, and he comes to know that if people who want to be immortal eat Sam Jang’s flesh, they could be benefitted. So, he decides to find Sam. Who is Jang? Did Oh Gong meet him? What is the relationship between Seon Mi and Sam Jang? The rest of the story deals with it.
Lee Seung-gi, Cha Seung-won, Oh Yeon-seo, Kal So-won, Lee Hong-gi, Jang Gwang, Lee Se-young, Song Jong-ho, Kim Ji-soo, Sung Ji-ru, Lee El, Kim Sung-oh, Sung Hyuk, Yoon Bo-ra, Im Ye-jin, Jung Jae-won are in the main cast.