City of Dreams is a Hindi series directed by ‘ Nagesh Kukunoor Nagesh Kukunoor was born in Hyderabad to Kusuma Su >> Read More... ,’ made available on Hotstar from 3rd May 2019. It is the story of the feud within the Gaikwad family, which erupts after an assassination attempt on a polarizing political figure. The difference between moral and immoral is forgotten as a struggle for power forms the core of the narrative. The story starts with the assassination attempt on Mumbai’s political stalwart Ameya Rao Gaikwad which stuns the whole city. As his son Ashish takes the stage, ‘ Encounter Encounter was a Hindi TV series that was aired on >> Read More... ’ Wasim gets on the case. Even though his personal life is a mess he manages to get a lead on one of the shooters. Ashish spins out of control and Poornima takes charge persuading him to consult her before taking any rash decision, however, he crosses the line anyway and Poornima confronts him. Wasim keeps focused on the hunt and tries to change the game with a trump card and an enraged Poornima opens up to Lipakshi. As Poornima turns the table on Ashish and Wasim gets a crucial lead, Poornima’s relationship with Kaushik rumbles because of the power and politics.
Allying with CM Jagdish Poornima finally learns the truth of the attack and the perpetrators. As she takes over as CM and leader of the MJS with the support of Gurav and Wasim, her reign is challenged and she unleashes hell on Mehka Infra. Shireen causes a media frenzy while Gaikwad begins to regroup and set his plans to motion. Wasim discovers a sinister conspiracy to disrupt the elections, however, several sinister plans and conspiracies are set in motion throughout the city.
When the past overlaps with the present each and everyone is left to face their demons. As Gaikwad prepares for his comeback, both father and daughter pay a heavy price in their game of power. This thrilling series might just be the perfect thing for an adrenaline rush.