Sab TV launched a one-and-a-half hour show under the name SAB Ka Evening Show on November 5. They were termed as Mahaepisodes being aired on Saturdays. The channel displayed new stories every week through varied categories. The first episode was titled as Oye Bunty Babloo Oye. It was a story of two innocent men who were born and brought up in a small township of Punjab. They both were born in a farmer family, headed by Dadaji who used to impart them the moral values of life by telling those stories and happenings from numerous books, making Bunty and Babloo generous souls.
In their mid-20s, they choose to go to the city for work. Thus, their adventures start as they land in Mumbai. But their goodness seems to be strange in the money-oriented world. Bunty and Babloo are shattered, as they mistakenly start living an unemotional life of a robot. These two decide to bring revolution and revitalize the lifeless souls of Mumbai. Nitish Pandey and Gaurav Gera Gaurav Gera is a very famous Bollywood actor in fi >> Read More... were the actors in this episode. The second episode was Kya Hoga Is Desh Ka. Desh is a guy played by Rahoul Lohani.
He is a unique person in himself and the story moves forward when he meets a sweet couple essayed by Delnaaz Paul and Pavan Malhotra Pavan Malhotra is a famous actor and is seen on te >> Read More... . Their life gets affected and the story proceeds. The third episode was Gaadi Bula Rahi Hai. It dealt with the circumstances associated with rail journey. The main characters are Mr. Randhawa (Ranjit), his spouse (Amita) . Mr.Ghosh (Rakesh) who is accompanied by his wife and daughter Mishty (Charu), share one berth in the coach with Mr. Randhawa.
The story tells how people from diverse beliefs come together for a small duration during their rail yatra and the riotous circumstances occur when they share a shared space. The show was directed by Kamal Monga Kamal Monga is a director in the Indian Television >> Read More... . The fourth episode was Poocho Na Yaar Kya Hua. It was the story of a banker Saurabh, who has an impressive idea for his future. Saurabh has assumed the idea of life starting at 40. So, he has worked hard and saved cash so that he could take a retirement early and relish life afterward. Since they don’t have any offspring, they have no worries.