The television show Noorpur Ki Rani, is originally a Pakistani show that aired on the channel HumTV. It began on 25Th April 2009 and ended on 3rd October 2009. However, it was also shown on the Indian television on the channel Zindagi starting from 13th July 2014. The story of the show is by a Pakistani author and screenplay writer Samitra Fazal. The director of Noorpur Ki Rani was Haissam Hussain Haissam Hussain is a Pakistani television and film >> Read More... . It is similar to that of the English novel by Daphne Du Maurier named Rebecca.
The story of Noorpur Ki Rani revolves around the life of a girl Noorulain Aneez also known as Noori who is an orphan. Noori accidentally lands up in a palace where an old man lives with his daughter. The two of them wanted to adopt a male child who they would educate and bring up well so that he could be named the heir of everything they had. With time, the two accept Noori and give her a lot of care and attention. She is given education and made to learn societal manners as well. The story is a paradox of the lives of two characters which is Noori and Princess Raina. While Noori is a bubbly young girl but comes from an improvised background, Raina is never satisfied with anything that she has. She is brought by fate to circumstances that she never imagined would happen to her.
Upon seeing Noorie instead of a boy, the daughter contemplates sending her away but her father advises keeping her. She then sends Noorie to the Akbar family where the temperamental Mr. Akbar tries taking advantage of Noorie with his wife accusing her instead after catching him in the act. Mrs. Akbar berates Noorie and looks to return her to the orphanage. Noorie subsequently flees and meets with an accident involving the old man Tahir's car. Tahir and his daughter ultimately decide to adopt Noorie regardless of her gender. Despite facing problems at school with classmates and bullying Soniya, Noorie excels in her education while her new parents plan to send her abroad. However, they suddenly perish in an accident, leaving Noorie orphaned once again. Meanwhile, the unhappy Princess Rania of Noorpur yearns for affection from her indifferent husband, Prince Salar. Though she has wealth and status, their fractious relationship lacks love. After more fights and mistreatment, Salar locks Rania away until she escapes with her maid's aid but dies in a car crash. Seeing Noorie's simple innocence, Salar decides to make her the new Princess Noorulain of Noorpur.
However, Rania's loyal maid simmers with rage at Noorie assuming Rania's rightful place. She plots vengeance against the unwitting new princess Noorulain. Despite Noorie's kind nature, several figures harbor resentment toward her sudden ascent from orphan to royalty after enduring previous hardships like Mrs. Akbar's cruelty and losing her adoptive parents. Yet her perseverance and empathy for others have also won unlikely allies. Noorie faces further intrigue and adversity in her new royal role as deeper secrets and agendas lurk behind the palace walls.
This difference in the characters of the two is what takes the story further. The show has a very nice cast including Sanam Baloch Sanam Baloch is a Pakistani television host, actre >> Read More... as Noorulain Aneez, Noman Ijaz Noman Ijaz is a Pakistani actor, who was born on 1 >> Read More... as Salar, Mahnoor Baloch Mahnooris a very well known Pakistani actor. She i >> Read More... as Rania, Samina Peerzada It is quite remarkable to notice that many of the >> Read More... as Anna, Azfar Rehman Azfar Rehman was born on 7th July 1984 in Karachi. >> Read More... as Nofil, Sanam Agha as Sonia, and Mahira Bhatti Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as Hareem. It also stars Zaheen Tahira Zaheen Tahira is one of the most senior and vetera >> Read More... , Qavi Khan Qavi Khan aka Mohammad Qavi Khan is a Pakistani mo >> Read More... , Naila Jaffry, and Uday Nair. Sanam Baloch who plays the lead already had a huge name in the industry. Apart from that, Noman Ijaz who is a Pakistani film and television actor and producer has a central role to play in the show. He plays the role of Salar, the king of Noorpur. His role of Salar is intense and bossy but still pretty simple. Noorpur Ki Rani had replaced the refreshing romcom of Aunn Zara Aunn Zara is a Pakistani-Drama serial that was sta >> Read More... on the show in the 8.55 pm time slot.
The only question that irked Indian viewers concerning the new Pakistani shows that were telecast then was the short length like Noorpur Ki Rani had only 23. However, Noorpur Ki Rani is one of those shows which were highly popular among Indian viewers.