Galti Kiski is a TV serial aired on DD National. The serial is an adaptation of IAS officer Kiran Bedi Kiran Bedi is India’s highest ranking IPS woman of >> Read More... ’s book What Went Wrong And Why. Shree Creations made the show. The show is said to be based on real stories that Kiran Bedi wrote. To make the show more entertaining, the show makers added some extra characters in it. Saina Bedi Saina Bedi is a well-known Indian television produ >> Read More... is the one who has done all the research to make the show. It was directed by Naresh Patel Naresh Patel is an Indian actor and director who h >> Read More... . The show was produced by Adhikar brothers, Gautam Adhikari Gautam Adhikari was an Indian producer, writer, an >> Read More... and Markand Adhikari Markand Adhikari is a media pioneer who was born o >> Read More... . The show was one of the best classics that made the viewers think about the real culprits in our society. It was a very impactful and thought-provoking show.
In the show, real stories that happened around Kiran Bedi in her time, she served the nation were presented, making it dramatic. It was an anthology show that had different stories in different episodes. These stories were related to crimes that happen in Indian society due to our negligence. In one of the episodes, they showed the story of Shalini Sharma  Shalini Sharma is a well-known actress in Bolly >> Read More... . The show tells the story of how Shalini, a 22-year-old girl, got married to a farmer without taking dowry. Her in-laws rejected many requests just to marry his son to Shalini. Some goons who were disrespected due to rejection of their marriage proposal, attack Shalini with acid, because they thought that her face is the only reason her in-laws said no to their daughters. Her face was ruined, and her eyesight was damaged.
After some farmers took her to hospital, doctors treated her. When the police arrived at the hospital, they asked her who did this to her. She told them, but they said she was lying. They said that Ranjit Singh Ranjit Singh, a perfectionist paying meticulous at >> Read More... could never do such a thing, he is a very reputed politician and never does bad things. Police said that without any evidence they could not do anything. Later, Shalini was sent to a hospital in Delhi to get her treatment. Later in his report, the police said that it was done by some unknown goons. Each episode comes with a different story.Â