Comedy Ka Badsshah Hasega India is a comedy competition show that has aired on Sony TV in 2007. It was telecast on Fridays between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM. The show's judges were the ace comedian Raju Srivastava and the celebrity Rakhi Sawant Rakhi Sawant, the well-known drama queen of the In >> Read More... . They were sometimes joined by other celebrities to judge the show. These guest judges included many known faces from the comedy circuit. Previous contestants of the Laughter Challenge The Great Indian Laughter Challenge is a standup c >> Read More... , a show which aired on Star One, featured prominently.
The show periodically saw performances from Raju Srivastava. It also consisted of a segment called, Hamari Bahu Rakhi Sawant. In this Rakhi Sawant plays the role of a flirtatious, modern, and extrovert bahu (daughter-in-law). The character belongs to the Khirmani family. In Rakhi’s husband’s role, Abhishek Awasthi Abhishek Awasthi was born in Kanpur, India. He was >> Read More... was cast, who was devoted to her. The show displayed a concoction of stand-up comedy acts from the various contestants. It also had notorious spoofs and skits from Rakhi and Raju. All these made the show one of the most famous comedy shows of its time. It ensured that the audience was in splits all the time.
Comedy Ka Badsshah Hasega India introduced many talented stars. They became household names very fast through their immense talent and sense of humor. Names such as Shakeel, Imran, VIP, and Saurabh became familiar across India. VIP, in fact, went on to win three seasons of the show.
The programme got two participants to face-off one another in each episode. The winner of each day’s show would return for the next episode. He/she then competed against a new competitor. The showdown continued week after week. The show presented a wonderful comic respite amidst all the other soap operas. It created a different sphere of programming and engaged more viewers. Those people who were unhappy about the current state of programming and ached some variety got a pleasant respite because of this. The show acted as a follow-up to Sony’s other successful comedy show titled Comedy Circus. The show saw some enchanting stand-up acts. The performers included the likes of Krishna and Rajiv Nigam Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Pooja Gaur An Ahmedavadi by birth, Gemini being her zodiac si >> Read More... , Rajiv Thakur Rajiv Thakur is a Punjab-based stand up comedian w >> Read More... , and Kapil Sharma.
Sony thus provided a collection of shows, many of which were different from the regular programming. There were many shows with different stories and casts. These engaged and entertained the audience immensely and provided a great mix. The strategy held true across age groups as comedy resonated with younger audiences too.