Saaksshi is an Indian Television Drama Series. This serial was opposite from any kind of politics and household works. The story revolves around the middle class, well-educated and talented girl who was different from other local girls who want to do something extra from her locality. This serial was about the girl who entered a world where girl is mainly dominated by the World of Men where she worked as an secretary under her boss named
Shekhar Gupta
and her other colleagues named Deepak. Deepak is very strict person who thinks that a woman is only known for her household works as an housewife and she can never be a successful officer in her life. Saaksshi is inspired by the stars named Fiza and Mouli Ganguli of the Kahiin Kisi Roz fame plays the role of what Karishma played in the film.
Main Roles:
Mouli Ganguly
is an Indian Television actress and anchor. He was born Kolkata, West Bengal, India. She is famous for her role in various television series like Milan, Sarkar, CID, Saaksshi,
Sahib Biwi Gulam
, Â
Laagi Tujhse Lagan
and various other shows.
Amit Sadh
is an Indian Television actor and dancer. He was born on 5th June 1979 in Delhi. He is famous for his role in various television series like as a role of Aditya in Kyun Hota Hai Pyar, Kai Po Che! , Phoonk 2. He also performed in shows like Big Boss, Nach Baliye and
Fear Factor
This Crime show was directed by
Rakesh Sarang
and was first time aired on 10th April 2004 on Sony TV with the total number of 48 episodes in all.