Hum Paanch Phir Se is a Hindi comedy show broadcast on the Big Magic channel. This serial consists of a family living in Banaras, Mr. Anand Mathur, Beena, his wife, his first daughter Meenakshi, Radhika his second daughter, Sweety third daughter, Kajal his fourth daughter, and little Chhoti. Radhika is partially deaf and she uses a machine to hear. Anand’s first wife is dead and Radhika, Sweety and Meenakshi are his first wife’s daughters. His first wife’s photo still talks with him and does not let him do romance with his present wife. Chhoti and Kajal are Anand’s present wife’s daughters. Anand can never find anything on time, in the morning, before leaving for work. Kajal is a tomboy who wears her father’s office shirts. She is inspired by the movie Dangal. Kajal wants to present a substitute father for meeting her principal as she beats the boys of her class. As Anand has to go to his office, Kajal presents the fake father in front of her principal. Sweety is a really dumb person who only focuses on beauty.
Anand attends Kajal’s meeting with the principal the next time. Her principal says that last time she had a different father and she is in the eleventh standard for the past three years. She gets suspended. He goes on a fast till the time Kajal apologizes to him. In another episode, Beena goes away for two days and the five sisters work together. Elaichi, their maid is also on leave. When she comes to work she tells them that she has been beaten by her husband. Meenakshi wants to re-enact the scene of her fight with her husband. They would fight for Elaichi’s rights. Meenakshi forms a union for the right of Elaichi and calls all the women to form a society. Anand is not allowed to go inside the house as no male is allowed in the meeting. Kajal is against her sister doing this peaceful revolution. She wants to beat Elaichi’s husband. There is no food in the house as no mother means, no food. Anand is not able to sleep in his room as Elaichi is sleeping in his bedroom. He has to sleep in the kitchen. Elaichi’s husband comes to take his wife home. He says that this is the way he shows love. He keeps a knife on Anand’s throat. Anand tells him to say to his wife that he will remarry. This trick works.