Ghanteshwar Prasad Ghantewale was first aired in 2014. The main lead of this show is Sudhir Pandey Sudhir Pandey is a TV and cinema actor. Born on De >> Read More... . Sudhir Pandey is famous for his humor and facial expressions which he has successfully maintained in this show. Ghanteshwar Prasad Ghantewale is a comedic TV-show which has entertained the audiences extremely well. This show was telecasted on DD i.e. Doordharshan, Monday through Friday at 1 p.m
This show mainly revolves around ‘Halwai Ki Dukan'. It reminds one of the various tastes of sweets (Jalebi, Rasugulla) and savouries (Chaats, Puries, Samosas) at a sweet shop because of the way Ghanteshwar Prasad manages to bring in emotions and humour so beautifully to the show.
In this show, there are many wonderful characters with different behaviors. There is a joint family consisting of the ‘man of the house’ Ganteshwar Prasad, his wife, who is commonly referred to as ‘dadi' by the other family members, his son Ghantamal, his daughter-in-law Kunti, his daughter Rajjo, his son-in-law Getty and a girl Bindiya.
The director is Sunil Prasad and the producer/director of this show are Lal Vijay Shadeo. The writers of this show are Vivek K. Rawat, Pranav Singh, and Brijesh Karnwal. This show is packed with light comedy and is a family show. Ghanteshwar Prasad owns a sweet shop named ‘ Shri Ghanteshwar Prasad Ghantewale'. His shop is very famous in Mathura. The director and his team bring a new story to the show everyday. Ghanteshwar Prasad’s family is a very loyal and lovely family; all family members accept each other's flaws and they live happily together. This show is not like the other Hindi shows with ‘saas-bahu’(mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) fights and the directors have tried their best to make it stand out. All the characters in this show are equally important as they all exhibit unique characteristics and show us how important family values are, which makes this show one of the most loved shows
Another version of the serial...
Ghanteshwar-Prasad- Ghantewala, as the name says, is a show which revolves around Ghanteshwar Prasad and his shop, Ghanteshwar Prasad has unconditional love for his shop. This show got on-air in 2014. The main lead of this show was Sudhir Pandey. Sudhir Pandey is famous for his humorous face and so he has maintained it in this show. Ghanteshwar-Prasad-ghantewala is a comedy TV-show which has entertained audience very well. This show telecast on DD i.e. Doordharshan Mon- Fri 1 p.m. This show mainly revolves around ‘Halwai ki Dukan', just like when we go to halwai ki Dukan we have options of sweets like Jalebi, Rasugulla as well as spiciness like Puri Sabzi, Samosa in the same way, this brings sweetness and spiciness together.
In this show, there are many characters with different behavior. There is a joint family of Ganteshwar-prasad including his wife called ‘dadi' by all other family members, his son Ghantamal, his daughter-in-law Kunti, his daughter Rajjo, his son-in-law Getty and a girl named Bindiya. These all characters are best in their own way. The show is directed by Sunil Prasad and produced/directed by Lal Vijay Shadev and the writers of the show are Vivek K. Rawat, Pranav Singh, and Brijesh Karnwal. This show is stuffed with light comedy and it's a family show. Ghateshwar Prasad has a dukan of sweets named ‘shri Shri ghanteshwar Prasad ghantewale'. His shop is famous in Mathura. The director and his team daily bring a new story in the show.
The family of Ghanteshwar Prasad is a loving family; all family members accept each other's flaws and live happily together. This show is not like other shows with saas-bahu (mother-in-law and daughter-in- law) fights and vamps; the director has tried to keep it different from others. All the characters in this show are equally important as all with their specific behavior makes this show one of the most loving show. All the cast and the crew of this show with their hard work have made this best of its kind.