Greatest Party Story Ever, a Shadow Machine Production, is an American comedy television series. The show comprised of 10 episodes of which the first episode starring Spencer Morgan aired on MTV on January 14, 2016. The other cast of the show includes Spencer Morgan, Gideon Adlon Gideon Adlon is well-known and a prominent actress >> Read More... , Justin Alexio, Mike Citera, Drew DiFonzo Marks, Joe Hollywood, Rhyan Schwartz and Alex Weber. The total running time of the show is 22 minutes excluding the commercials.
The show was premiered with an unexampled concept, presenting first-person narratives of individuals who share their wild and rare party experiences. The unique animation of the stories reenacted by the same persons made the show exceptional. It showcases peoples’ real-life episodes that are tales of their weirdest encounters and comical events. The show impersonates stories of crazy friendships, revelry, hilarious hookups and barbaric anecdotes. Furthermore, it flaunts rendezvous with celebrities like James Franco James Franco is a prominent American actor and dir >> Read More... , Taylor Swift Taylor Swift is the big name in the music industry >> Read More... , Beyonce and Rihana. The people could connect better with the show as it drew an analogy with their lives. Most of the viewers could correlate the on-screen situations with their personal life.
The show primarily aimed to bring out humour out of the day to day lives of people and serve it to the audience. Although the Greatest Party Story Ever served to entertain people by being one of its kind, the content of the show included offensive language, comedic violence and adult situations which could leave a bad impact on children, so, the show was given a TV-14 rating. A college student made out with a wrong woman in the party in one episode of the show.
In an another episode James Franco helped a teen take revenge from her ex-boyfriend, a boy got hooked up in a family reunion party, and a fan of Beyoncé got a chance to get a photo clicked with her. In subsequent episodes a high school junior's car got wrecked with nasty words, a YouTube trio went behind bars for stealing a van at Coney Island; a man posed as a Taylor Swift fan. Also, he entered a private party to have fun with the artist. The show televised a dozen of other epic tales. Greatest Party Story Ever outshined to be one of the best storytelling shows ever. It received tremendous response from the audience owing to which a season 2 for the show was telecast.