Gold Rush is an English reality television series produced by Christo Doyle for the first time in December 2010 with seven successive seasons till October 2016. It’s a kind of reality adventure series that is being successfully aired on Discovery. With the seven seasons in six years Gold Rush kept it’s foot firmly planted in the hearts of their viewer’s. It all started with six men from Oregon, Portland who lost their jobs due to economic push in season one. All six than travels to Porcupine Creek in Alaska to hunt for gold which was a stake gamble for all of them.
Moving on to the next season which explores the new mine of Hoffman crew at Quartz Creek in Canada after Todd fails a rental settlement on Porcupine Creek. Next, they attempt to mine his granddad's property at Big Nugget Mine. Season three saw the return of Hoffman crew again at the Quartz Creek but this time with an extra crewman to work parallel in the same area. Soon after sometime they decided to merge both the crews due to the lack of equipments and some other issues. By the end of Season three they mined 1157oz of gold worth more than a quarter million dollars each.
The Hoffman Crew than started mining and forced to pack up and leave Guyana in Season four. By the end of season four, Parker alone broke Todd Hoffman’s record of 803oz of gold and collected gold worth Hoffman’s entire four-season total. Season five and season six being the shortest seasons of the Gold Rush, Parker and Hoffman collectively mined Gold worth 11.1 million dollars. Season seven being aired on Discovery once again saw the love of viewers for the show hoping for the eclipse of all the previous seasons.
Todd Hoffman with some other crew members went to a remote site in Guyana in South America in search of the new site during the offseason of Klondike to determine the possibility of carrying out an operation there between the second and the third seasons. But due to the high expenses as compared to the quantity and the area was only accessible by hiking Guyana was stroked off from the list for that particular time.
Simultaneously, between the third and the fourth seasons of the Gold Rush, Todd Hoffman again with some other crew members went to South America for the hunt of gold in Peru, Chile etc. and covered it in their season. After airing so many successful seasons Gold Rush became an adventure tonic for most of the youngsters and for the people who find their excitement in these kinds of adventures.