The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo is an adventure comedy created by Tom Ruegger, Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and directed over the entire lap of season one by various eminent directors such as Oscar Dufau, Alan Zaslove, Arthur Davis Arthur Davis was born on June 14, 1905, was an Ame >> Read More... , Tony Love and Rudy Zamora, Don Lusk and supervised by Ray Patterson. Originally aired on ABC on 7th September 1985, the season had a total of 13 episodes each of twenty-two minutes running time. On 7th December 1985, the show came to an end with the final chapter. The show distributed by Warner Bros. Television under the production company Hanna-Barbera Productions had William Hanna William Denby “Bill” Hanna was an American animato >> Read More... and Joseph Barbera Joseph Ronald “Joe” Barbera was an American animat >> Read More... as the executive producers.
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo’ is the Saturday morning cartoon show featuring Scooby-Doo by Hanna-Barbera. It was preceded by The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries/ The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo show (1983-1984) and superseded by the show A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (1988-1991). The voice-overs done by Arte Johnson, Casey Kasem, Don Messick, Vincent Price, Heather North, Howard Morris, Susan Blu among others add to the fun part of the story. In the initial episode, the Scooby-Doo gang is thrown from Daphne’s plane while going on a trip to Honolulu causing them an unexpected landing in the Himalayas. Hoodwinked by two wobbling ghosts named Weerd and Bogel while they went into a temple, Shaggy and Scooby gets fooled and opens the ‘Chest of Demons.’
It is a magical artifact which accommodates the 13 most frantic, hysterical and powerful ghosts ever to walk the Earth. Only Scooby-Doo and Shaggy can return those ghosts to the chest because they were the ones responsible for letting them free in the first place. With the aid of a young teenage Latino prankster named Flim-Flam, Daphne and Scrappy-Doo, Shaggy and Scooby embark upon an adventurous quest to recapture them before they wreck overwhelming havoc upon the entire humankind population.
Aiding them is Flim-Flam's friend named Vincent Van Ghoul, a sorcerer voiced by Vincent Price who uses the mystical crystal ball to contact the gang and assists them in magic and witchcraft whenever in need. The 13 escaped ghosts, meanwhile try to play games and pranks with the group to avoid them from being returning to the chest often engaging Weerd and Bogel as liveried footmen. The series laboriously outlined in the Christian zealot archive ‘Deception of a Generation’ as an instance of occult influences on children's amusement. Regardless of this, the show received mixed to an affirmative response from most viewers.