Johnny Bravo is an animated American sitcom in the English language that aired on the channel, Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network is an American satellite channel which was owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. The channel mainly specialized in kids special shows like cartoons and comedy show. The show, Johnny Bravo was first launched in the year 1997. The first episode was aired on 14th July 1997. The show had a total of four seasons throughout the tenure of seven years. The final season was telecasted in the year 2004. The last episode was aired on 27th August 2004.
The show had a total of 67 episodes in all the four seasons combined. The show was created by Van Partible. Johnny Bravo is a cartoon show where the main character is Johnny Bravo. Johnny Bravo is a strong, muscular man who is a little uncouth in his behavior. He has a macho personality with a pompous hairdo and Elvis Presley-like voice. He considers himself quite the womanizer. He feels that women are unable to resist his charm and fall heads over heals for him.
The story mainly circles around him trying to get beautiful and attractive women to go on dates with him, but eventually ends up, getting insulted and rejected, and in some occasions, beaten by them because of his uncivilized behavior. All of this is done in a comic way as to make viewers laugh. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up and tries the same thing on the next woman he sets his eyes on. He is supported blindly by his mother, Bunny Bravo who is an extrovert and livewire-like lady, and his neighbor Little Suzy who is an intelligent little girl who has a crush on Johnny.
He is also joined time and again, by some other supporting characters. Pops, who owns a diner on the locality, is his friend and keeps giving advice to Johnny. Carl Chryniszzswics is a nerdy and timid boy who idolizes Johnny despite being bossed over by him.
Donny Osmond
Donny Osmond was born on 9th December, 1957, in Ut >> Read More...
is a cheerful young boy who irritates Jonny. Master Hamma is a Japanese martial arts teacher who also is Johnny’s instructor. Jungle Boy is a young and little, but incredibly strong, boy who lives in the jungle with animals that can talk. All these characters together create the whole show and add to the humor in the show.
The show also contains a lot of sleazy, adult humor in many of its episodes. These characters of the show are given voices by very famous celebrities of the industry.
Jeff Bennett
Jeff Bennett is an English voice-over artist. He w >> Read More...
is the voice behind Johnny Bravo. Bunny Bravo gets her voice by Brenda Vaccaro, Little Suzy is voiced by Mae Whiteman, Pops by Larry Drake, Carl by Tom Kenny, and Donny by Donny Osmond himself, Master Hamma by Brian Tochi and Jungle Boy is voiced over by Cody Dorkin. Some popular Hollywood celebrities like Seth Green,
Adam West
Adam West is an American-based actor who works in >> Read More...
, Shaquille O’Neal, etc., have also made guest appearances on the show.