Abhirup Ghosh's thrilling TV show called "The Hunter" is aired on Hoichoi. The series revolves around Souvik, a rookie officer, who teams up with Kanaichoron, a laid-back inspector, from the Department of Unusual Cases. Together, they delve into perplexing incidents. During their work, they stumble upon a baffling case where an unknown visitor is wreaking havoc in the villages of Bengal by killing hundreds of sparrows. Their mission is to uncover the motive behind these actions and bring the culprit to justice. With Anirban Chakrabarti, Rajatava Dutta Kharaj Mukherjee, and Souman Bose Souman Bose is an Indian actor majorly seen in Ben >> Read More... in the lead roles, "The Hunter" takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride filled with moments of crime-solving endeavors and unexpected twists. To learn more about it, tune in to Hoichoi. Visit YouTube.