This series is a 2021 mini romantic comedy directed by Suvankar Paul. Three best friends, Ujaan, Saumya, and Bunty, go through love experiences and heartbreaks. Problems arise when Ujaan’s ex-girlfriend, Riya (MadhurimaGhosh), and his best friend, Saumya ( Rwitobroto Mukherjee Rwitiborto Mukherjee is a Bengali film and theatre >> Read More... ), start a relationship. Ujaan has problems with Saumya staying in contact with Riya. Ujaan and Saumya juggle mixed feelings of regret, jealousy, and love. This story follows the three friends through the thick and thin of romantic relationships, while they juggle between maintaining a steady relationship with their girlfriends and risking their friendship. The 5-episode series is great for binge-watching. Riddi Sen, who plays the role of Kajol’s son in the movie Helicopter Eela Click to look into! >> Read More... , plays Ujaan. The friendship between the boys is precious, and the preface gives the feel of a new generation drama. The series is written by Mainak Bhaumik Mainak Bhaumik is an Indian film director and edit >> Read More... .